Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
PREBIOFORCE Balancing Soothing Concentrate, the first marine prebiotic serum by PHYTOMER

An amazing flora exists on the surface of the skin to help maintain the skin's integrity and immunity. This microbiota protects the skin from harmful outside factors and keeps irritation and infections in check, but it can be extremely fragile, becoming unbalanced by external factors, such as stress, pollution, fatigue, harsh cosmetics and UV rays, leading to skin complaints such as redness, sensitivity, dullness and imperfections.

PHYTOMER has launched PREBIOFORCE Balancing Soothing Concentrate, its first prebiotic serum designed to rebalance the skin's microbiota.

Composed of four natural ingredients and designed to nourish the skin's microbiota, this Marine Prebiotic serum is particularly suited to sensitive skin types, prone to redness and irritation, exhausted and stressed skin or skin that has become fragile due to chemical peels and other aggressive treatments.

For optimum results, PHYTOMER recommends twice daily application for a 28-day period, based on a trial of 34 women who used the serum as part of their usual skincare routine for four weeks. Participants reported that after seven days of continued use they were experiencing less tingling, after two weeks the complexion was more unified and after one month the skin was significantly less sensitive and less red.

By rebalancing the skin's microbiota, PREBIOFORCE ensures better skin health for stronger and more beautiful skin.

Learn more about PREBIOFORCE here

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